We, The Hero
My dwelling place will be with them;
I will be their God,
and they will be My people.
When my sanctuary is among them forever,
the nations will know that I, the LORD, sanctify Israel.
– Ezekiel 37:27 & 28
These words, repeated throughout the Old Testament, were understood to mean that God's presence with Israel in the tabernacle and in the temple is what made them His People.
In the New Testament we see a more textured development of this idea of "God with us".
The New Testament books of Luke and Acts illustrate this development and how it applies to us as parents.
The gospel of Luke and the book of Acts were written by the same author as a two-act play.
Luke tells the story of Jesus, composed in the style of a “hero narrative” – popular during that time period. Jesus, of course, is the hero.
The book of Acts is “part 2” of this hero narrative. And the transition paragraphs between the two alert us to a fascinating plot twist:
The end of Luke (act 1) sees Jesus victorious, yes. But when He ascends to Heaven He exits the stage.
Acts (act 2) begins with an episode before Jesus left, in which He promises to send the Holy Spirit to His people. Just paragraphs later, the Holy Spirit descends as flame – resting upon individual followers of Christ.
The author is making sure we understand we are the continuation of Jesus' heroic presence on earth: His People.
The ‘flame’ is the thread tying the story together. It is a consistent element throughout Scripture's narrative. It led the Israelites through the desert as God's presence. It continually burned in the Holy of Holies. And now His presence is in our midst – dwelling among us. We are “His sanctuary forever.”
You are the hero.
Jesus died, rose, and left, so you could be the mediating priest to the world around you – starting with your family.
If you want to parent well, the first task is to understand: God’s dwells on you and in you. And as you are faithful to serve as priest in your home, to your people, you will see God make it His sanctuary. An oasis of His Kingdom coming.
It is for your benefit that I go away, because if I don’t go away the Counselor will not come to you. If I go, I will send Him to you.
When the Spirit of truth comes, He will guide you into all the truth.
– John 16:7b,13a
Note: To mediate between God and your family requires you be directed by God’s Spirit. If listening to God’s Spirit is strange or new to you, I recommend you work your way through Dallas Willard’s book, Hearing God, as a starting point.